High Alcohol Yeast
high alcohol yeast, mash fermentation, wine industry supplies, whiskey distillation
Turbo Yeast For Distilleries, high alcohol yeast
Turbo yeast is comprised of a mix of very alcohol-tolerant yeast and complex nutrients that quickly ferment a sugar solution into alcohol. We supply two types of Turbos:
Produces 14% – 16% alcohol
Produces 18% – 20% alcohol
Many years ago our company produced the first Turbo yeast, high alcohol yeast consumer packed for the hobby market in Scandinavia. We have been supplying Turbo yeast to distilleries for years. All were tailor-made for each distillery. We have been consulted to solve problems with:
Stuck fermentation
Too low an alcohol yield
Impure fermentation
Too low sugar to alcohol conversion
Quality problems or taste problems
So far, we have always ended up solving the problem.
Drawing from this experience we have found that one Turbo is preferred by 99% of all distilleries:
Temperature Tolerant Turbo Yeast, high alcohol yeast
This is an osmo tolerant (high sugar concentrations) and temperature tolerant Turbo yeast that ferments very pure to 14% in 2 days and to 16% in 4-5 days.
Temperature Tolerant Turbo Yeast is delivered in 25-kg sacks. You can test order a 25-kg sack, do a test run and compare with your current yeast. Minimum regular order is 5 sacks. Regular orders are always produced after order (to get freshest possible yeast). Dosage is 3.6 kg to 1000 liter fermentation. Click here for more info.
We also have a high alcohol tolerant Turbo yeast that can ferment very pure to 18%, if kept in temperature-controlled fermentation tanks at 25C, +-1C. If temperature is not held this steady it will not work: it will get over-heated and die because of the killing temperature. Also, it takes a week to ferment to 18%, needs more yeast and always needs cooling. All this together increases the price of the fermentation. We highly recommend using the Temperature Tolerant 14-16% yeast instead. It costs less, is very reliable, and also has a “margin” to overcome minor human errors with temperature etc.
High Alcohol Turbo Yeast Information
Dosage is 4.64 kg for a 1000-liter fermentation.
Packed in sacks of 25 kg.
All fermentations must be temperature controlled 25C +-1C.
Minimum order is 4 sacks.
Specific gravity will be 982 for 18% alcohol and 980 for 20% alcohol (take 2 weeks).
Click here for more info on our High Alcohol Turbo Yeast.
Order Handling, Policy, Quality
The goal of Gert Strand AB is to sell the best products available on a worldwide basis, while giving the highest quality service.
We will handle all complaints and bring them to a satisfactory conclusion. If we ever get complaints from any public consumer organization, we will follow their recommendations, in all countries.
Credit card payment is handled by 3rd party specialized companies with highest security. Gert Strand AB does not have access to your credit card number. All payments are made on secure servers. Incidentally, our policy is to never give away any information about our customers.
Our founder, Gert Strand, personally guarantees the quality of our products. If you have business associates in Sweden you can ask them. Gert Strand have gone from being the smallest essence producer to the biggest – in spite of strong competition throughout the globe. All this is based on know-how and a quality idea and vision, and over 25 years of experience
(c) Copyright 2002 Gert Strand AB