Distilleries Yeast
distilleries yeast, distillery supplies, industry ingredients, whiskey fermentation
Amyloglucosidase 15 kg sack, distilleries yeast
Amyloglucosidase breaks down all unfermentable sugars into fermentable ones. The main application in the industry is with addition to a lager beer fermentation to ensure the lager is as dry as possible and that is has a light refreshing body. It is important that Amyloglucosidase is only used where one wants both a dry final drink but also light body / weight, because complete removal of dextrins will also remove much of the weight / body from the alcoholic drink – which is absolutely the last thing one wants to do for most alcoholic drinks. Click here for more info.
Amylase 15 kg sack
Amylase converts starch to dextrin sugar. Click here for more info.
Pectolase 15 kg sack
The enzyme that breaks down cell structure and breaks down pectin in fruits. Releases the juice and flavor and enhances the juice and flavor yield 10-20%. Eliminates “pectin fog” in fruit beverages and simplifies clearing. Click here for more info.
Kieselsol Fining, 25 liter or 1000 liter container
Kiselsol is a charged modified colloidal silica suspension. Click here for more info.
Chitosan Fining, 25 liter or 1000 liter container
Chitosan is de-acetylated Chitin (Chitin is the material which makes up the shell of lobsters, crab and shrimp). It is excellent at removing solids debris after fermentation but may also work with a lot of clearing problems with any alcoholic product. Chitosan is always worth a try, however, set up a small sample and test before full-scale use. Add directly (never pre-mix) into the liquid to be cleared, stir gently or 20-30 seconds and let sit to clear. Allow 6 hours per meter of height of tank, for clearing. Most users then filter out solids, those who rack off tend to leave 4 times as long. Click here for more info.
General Wine Nutrient 25 kg sack
For use with our yeasts and others wine yeasts. GWN provide the basic nitrogen and phosphate requirements and also the trace nutritional needs of the yeast strain. If only one trace nutrient is missing it can cause the whole fermentation to be sluggish. Non-optimized nutrients can also cause the fermentation to produce unwanted substances, volatiles, off smell and off taste. Click here for more info.
Stabilizer (sulphite & sorbate mix) 25 kg sack
Used as yeast stop and as a preservative for wine and fermented alcoholic beverages. Click here for more info.
Sodium Metabisulphite 25 kg sack
Sodium Metabisulphite is a preservative with many uses. Most known for giving SO2 in wine, sterilizing brewing equipment and added as an antioxidant to fruit that is being washed or prepared. Old, oxidated fruit juices get light and taste good again. Added in small quantities to wine fermentations, it kills unwanted bacteria etc., but the wine yeast is not affected. Click here for more info.
Trisodium Citrate 25 kg sack
To increase the pH of must after additional acid or very acidity fruits. Click here for more info.
General Wine Yeast 10 kg for wine and fruit schnapps
A Saccaromyces Bayanus wine yeast strain suitable for fermentation of all styles of wine and also fruit schnapps. This strain produces full-bodied and full-flavoured wines without altering the natural character of the grape or fruit. High alcohol tolerance (up to 18%) and always first choice in high alcohol fermentations. Click here for more info.
(c) Copyright 2002 Gert Strand AB